Our Projects
At present, we are slated for beginning the POC in certain locations in Ghana bringing in Broadband connecitivity. All technology is in place, equipment, and ISP. For a proposal please contact one of our Directors listed.
Phase 1
Broadband Connectivity
Rekobot RGV is facilitating in bringing both land based and satellite broadband technologies for
Raycom to implement as a strategy for fast, affordable and accessible Internet to both urban
and rural areas for businesses, individuals Government and Institutional clients. Beyond
general broadband use, the project will enable the platform verticals of education, banking /
fintech, telemedicine, disaster recovery and others to be setup.
FIRST phase involves completing pilot projects for the land-based fibre coupled to repeater
using existing infrastructures and the proprietary Curvalux technology (https://curvalux.com)
Curvalux has a specific next generation long range fixed wireless broadband technology. It is
ideally adaptable for the first phase in the broadband expansion in Ghana.
Curvalux’s phased array multibeam system, designed specifically for operators and ISPs to
provide highest fixed wireless broadband capacity for the last mile, rural and urban
In addition to the Curvalux pilot, an antenna to satellite project is being configured and tested.
Both these technologies can be energy self sufficient and grid independent using solar power
panel / battery attachments. As little as 2 watts is sufficient for operational purposes. The
frequent power outage and power rationing has been a major challenge facing the Internet
industry in Ghana. Internet services have experienced frequent, significant disruptions due to
electrical grid unreliability.
SECOND phase comprises the expansion and market share growth of more land and satellite
locations will be implemented over a period of 1 1/2 to 2 years. A VSAT array with base to
satellite will be established.
(A very small aperture terminal (VSAT) is a small-sized earth station used in the
transmit/receive of data, voice and video signals over a satellite communication network,
excluding broadcast television.).
Phase 2
THIRD phase is the rollout to a dedicated Satellite capable of country wide coverages.
FOURTH phase is building out the comprehensive business models of the chosen vertical
platforms in education, banking / fintech, disaster recovery, telemedicine and others.
The digital hub at the center and what it can provide:
Help with farm diversification
Provide e-service access and assistance
Promote improvement of broadband infrastructure
Support disadvantaged/underprivileged persons
Fostering community development
Fostering business development Start-up, SMEs, and freelancer support
Contact to other initiatives related to digital innovations and stakeholders
Attract new businesses/residents/visitors
Improvement of digital skills
Meeting and networking space
Deliver Internet Access
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